Friday, October 21, 2011

Giveaway Winner

The randomly chosen winner of the giveaway for The Small-Scale Poultry Flock is Alexis, Baron von Harlot - an Aussie reader who blogs at Lexicon Harlot.  Congratulations, Alexis!  Please leave your contact information in the comment section, and I'll get the book out to you just as soon as ever I can.  Your comment will not be published.

Thanks so much to those of you who entered the giveaway and shared your fantastic frugality and homesteading tips.  I really enjoyed reading them and hearing what all of you are up to.  It's encouraging to hear about so much ingenuity and general thriftiness out there in the big world.  I hope you all have checked out the tips and tricks in that comment section.

Those of you who didn't win, I recommend you find some way to check the book out nonetheless, whether by buying it or asking your local library to acquire a copy for you to peruse.  In the event I don't hear from Alexis by Tuesday next week, I'll generate another number and try with another winner.


Anonymous said...

I saw my name, Alexis, and was so excited. Oh, not me, but congrats to the winner Alexis. =0) Ha ha

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Thanks, Alexis :-) (Nice name, by the way.)

(And thanks again so much, Kate. I'm thrilled to bits. There'll be happy chooks round my part of the world too.)